Devil's Secretary(Fall 2019 - Spring 2022)
Devil’s Secretary is a VR office simulator for the VR that brings hell to you. As a human forced to work for the top devil of hell, make sure to keep on your toes as you explore the office cleaning up his messes and scheduling his meetings as well as managing his force of office workers. Developed entirely in Unity with XR Interactive Toolkit.
Lead Developer:
AI development using a State Machine to switch between wandering and escaping player.
Weapon mechanics such as damaging enemies and physics when colliding with objects.
Player controller and player UI elements to explore the landscape.
Lead Tester:
Tested gameplay elements weekly to check changes and debug errors.
Enlisted testers familiar and not familiar with VR to find unique sides for feedback
Lead Designer:
Particle systems used for Skulls and lightning blasts, having physics make sparks when colliding.
Gameplay loop, with collecting souls and returning them to work as well as the overall atmosphere
Story Narative, having a task to be done for the main antagonist as well as an end goal in mind to escape the situation.
Ocular Dark(Fall 2021- Spring 2022)
Ocular Dark is a 2D platformer developed in Unity2D with a group of 3 people, over the course of our final year in GIMM. The story follows the journey of Adonis, Greek God of permanent renewal. Stuck in a cycle of death a rebirth, a hand reaches from the void to help pull you from this cycle. Challenge fate and break out of the cycle with the help from your patron from the void.
When developing the game, we experimented with multiplayer to see if we would want to include it in the future game, but as of right now we have reverted to a more single player experience, converting the multiplayer elements over to the older version.
Secondary Developer:
Worked alongside lead developer as well as a lead artist.
Developed AI state machine for every enemy, as well as physics involved with attacking and switching states.
Assisted in designing levels for full gameplay as well as systems for player interaction on the level.
Lead Tester:
Tested network settings for both players, debugging elements that did not transfer correctly.
Tested hitboxes for enemies as well as player, physics on level, and gameplay loop replayability
For Multiplayer Version
Designed and set up the network elements
Created multiplayer lobby system with rooms and host features
AR Habitat Explorer(Spring 2021)
The AR Habitat Explorer was a prototype created in Unity using AR Foundation to create a scientific AR experience for students K-12, most specifically for those that are on the spectrum. Our clients approached our professor and offered to finance one of the prototypes created from multiple groups in our cohort. Each group was presented a topic and crafted a prototype based off what they got. My group got biomes, so we focused specifically on the Desert. The idea was to have an animal, the camel, walk the student through the vocabulary of the desert to help them better understand elements by visually seeing what they were being taught by actions performed by the camel, or areas walked through.
Lead Developer:
Worked with client to create a science based AR experience fitted for K-12, specifically children on the spectrum.
Brainstormed ideas with clients as well as discussed changes and implementations to make sure the team and client were on the same page.
AR developer, created every AR based within the application, from placement of the terrain, to animation play through UI elements onto the AR terrain.
Created base UI element layout as well as button control and screens seen, placing art from our artist.
Implemented animation through coding for the camel as well as control of animation with UI
GIMM Studio(Network and Arcade Development Lead)
GIMM Studio is a multiplayer virtual experience that allows the user to experience the work done by GIMM's 4th cohort. This space includes multiple rooms for hangout capabilities as well as understanding of our work. The Arcade space is used to view games made by our cohort, as well as play minigames such as bowling. The Gallery space is used to view the demo reels and other work of our cohort. The Classrooms space is used to get a better understanding of our instructors, through simple quests and minigames to claim rewards from each professor. The Concert Hall is a soon to be complete space used to view music in an interactive concert experience by the Singer MNDR.
Lead Network Developer:
Created a server for the network, using Unity's Photon PUN as base.
Server capacity of 100 Concurrent players, with 20 players per room.
Created base Player Resource that allows customization for each unique player.
Teleportation between spaces in the network including: Plaza, Classrooms, Arcade, and Gallery spaces.
UI creation, including setting menu, text chat boxes, Username and HUD for players, and an exit game possibility.
Created an Avatar System that passes changes over the network, allowing: Hair Changes and Color, Shirt Changes and Color, Body Type Changes and Color, and Username Changes.
Assisted team members in creating voice and text chat over network, usable in the whole space.
Developed for players across Windows and Mac, with application identity changing base resource for the player.
Lead Arcade Developer:
Built the space using Models from my team, with physics for the landscape and lighting elements for view.
Rendered and Baked lighting in the Arcade space.
Created Arcade Machines for players to experience games made by the GIMM Cohort.
Assigned key commands to allow player to interact with games and controls.
Implemented videos playing Game Demos on the arcade machines, with a hitbox that turns them on once the player gets in range.
Implemented Bowling minigame into scene that was created by team member.
Created character controller with my team that allows basic movement, camera rotation, sprint ability, and jumping.
Populated space with video players, can pause and start on button commands, that play video demos of the GIMM cohorts games.
Other Contributions
Controled Version Control through Github
Prototyped initial GIMM Studio space with physics and character controller for other teams
Created the final build as well as past builds for Windows and Mac
Developed the video players used in the Gallery Space
Created world based titles for rooms in the Classrooms
To see more of my work, click any of the links above, or click the link below to see some of my others projects that were in a smaller scale.
Click here to find out more!